Cultivate professional knowledge by constantly evaluating and refining curriculums that incorporate fundamental management courses with current management thoughts. Independent thinking is the ultimate goal for all classes that would employ multimedia as one of the tools to enhance students’ learning experiences. Cross-straits relationship and its implication to business professionals here in Taiwan will be highlighted in appropriate courses. Theoretical knowledge and practical experiences are both stressed by assigning students to conduct company visits and field studies. Each year, highly qualified students are selected to join the International Exchange Program to take courses from overseas universities. Students are encouraged to take courses based on their own interest and career orientations. Graduates are trained to be experts in management sciences that have the ability to analyze the environment and interpret what the future will be so as to prepare themselves as effective problem-solvers, capable decision-makers, and outstanding leaders.
In addition to teaching, researching is also an important responsibility for faculty members who are encouraged to participate in various research projects entrusted by private or public organizations. Motivational rewards provided for research publication and conference participation are producing good results for both research performance and academic reputation of the department.
Actively initiating exchange programs, including co-chairing thesis and co-conducting research projects with several universities in Mainland China, is part of the missions of the Department. The department has also been organizing cross-straits conferences and seminars on a yearly basis. In 1998, the department has been appointed by the university as one of the major departments for future development. Since then, two international conferences in management sciences had been held at Tam-Shui campus. Several outstanding researchers had been invited to either give out speeches or conduct researches in the department. In addition, graduate students have been sent to overseas universities taking classes in the summer to further fulfill the mission of globalization for the department.